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Why You Need to Prioritize Self-Care & Wellness Now More Than Ever

Updated: May 12, 2023

Why is taking time for yourself so important? Here are five reasons why you should prioritize your own well-being and practice self-care every chance you get.

Self care isn't selfish written on a piece of paper to explain why you should not feel guilty about prioritizing emotional health.

5 Reasons You Should Prioritize Yourself and Establish a Self-Care & Wellness Routine

When you're always putting others first, it's easy to forget about your own needs. Before you know it, you're exhausted, tense, and worn out. That's why it's so important to schedule time for yourself and prioritize self-care, even if it feels like a luxury. Self-care is sometimes regarded as a selfish act, but it's actually one of the most crucial things we can do for ourselves. Here are five reasons why self-care is important to your personal life.

What Is Self-Care?

A study published in BMC Palliative Care defined self-care as "the self-initiated behavior that people choose to incorporate to promote good health and general well-being."[*] Self-care, in a more general sense, is any activity that makes you feel refreshed. It may include healthy eating, exercising, or taking time to relax.

Are You Selfish When You Prioritize Self-Care? Should You Feel Guilty?

Let's start by addressing one widespread misconception. Self-care is not the same as selfishness or self-indulgence. It is the practice of taking care of oneself in order to be more healthy, productive, and helpful. Self-care is crucial for you to be your best self every day in order to have energy for yourself and others.[*]

Why You Should Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is beneficial to your health. For instance, it's critical to get enough sleep so that you can start your day with a clear mind, refreshed body, and a morning coffee! Practicing self-care can make you feel less anxious and more relaxed. Taking a break from work, getting some exercise, or traveling may improve your quality of life and help you avoid or manage chronic disease.[*] Self-care also has a positive influence on others in that you are less likely to become ill if you take care of yourself. So don't be afraid to take a few moments each day to show yourself some love.

You can also add mindfulness to your routine.

mindfulness journal for self love to help manage stress with plant

5 Benefits: Prioritize Self-Care Today

There's a lot of evidence demonstrating the benefits of self-care. We know that self-care is often influenced by cultural preconceptions.[*] People with disabilities or chronic illnesses may have a hard time practicing self-care.[*] With this in mind, here are five reasons why this practice is so important.

Why Is Self-Care Important?

1. Improved Mental Health and Well-Being

When you make self-care a priority, it has the potential to improve your emotional health and well-being. This could mean anything from getting enough sleep to taking a relaxing bath. Staying in touch with people, going for walks, and practicing other healthy habits every day can boost your mental health. Plus, exercising regularly releases endorphins and serotonin, which boost your mood.[*] When you're in good physical and mental health, you can withstand whatever life throws at you.

2. Increased Productivity

Prioritizing self-care is critical for being more productive at home and at work. When we're overworked and stressed, it's tough to focus on anything else. This can have a negative impact on our cognitive performance. When we are given time to unwind, however, we return to life with a new perspective, better able to focus on being our best self. According to one research, being surrounded by other people while working has a detrimental impact on productivity.

Employees are more productive when they can work in peace and quiet.[*] Taking time out to unwind and relax away from others is one approach for individuals to care for themselves as well as improve productivity.

Diffusing oils to use in your personal life to help create healthy practices to improve mental health.

*If you love diffusing oils, then you'll love the chance to diffuse them anywhere, any time with this set from Rocky Mountain Oils!

3. Improved Mental Health

Self-care is one of the best ways to improve our mental health. When we're mentally healthy, we're better equipped to cope with stress and other negative emotions. We may achieve increased clarity of thought and make better decisions. More study is needed to ensure that self-care methods are in line with current research.[*]

4. Increased Life Span

Self-care may help you live longer. According to one study, those who practiced it had a longer life expectancy.[*] When we take good care of ourselves, we are less worried and more relaxed. This results in a healthier individual and a longer life span.

5. Reduced Stress

Self-care is an effective way to reduce stress.[*] When we're stressed out, our bodies are in a state of fight or flight. This can lead to all sorts of physical and mental health issues. Remember, self care includes not just your emotional health but also your physical health. But when we take time for ourselves, we're able to calm down and relax. Taking a break from our regular routine and focusing on our emotional health and well-being is critical, especially in today's culture, where stressors abound. Manage stress with a simple routine.

Image of tea collection that you can add to your daily life and long term health.

*The Stress Relief Collection Tea can help soothe stress and anxiety.

How To Prioritize Self-Care Practice

Self-care is so important for our overall health and wellness, but it can be hard to know where to start. If you're looking to prioritize self-care in your life, here are five tips to get you started:

1. Identify your needs. What do you need in order to feel your best? This will look different for everyone, but some examples might include getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, spending time outdoors, scheduling quiet time, or connecting with loved ones.

2. Make a plan - add it to your to do list! Once you know what activities will work best for you, it's time to make a plan. Determine when and how often you'll do each activity, and then make it happen.

*Quick tip: Use a few minutes of your lunch break to incorporate this wellness practice into your routine.

3. Set some boundaries. In order to make time for self-care, you might need to set some boundaries with others in your life. Let people know that you're taking this time for yourself and that you might not be as available as usual.

4. Find what works for you. There are endless self-care activities to choose from, so experiment until you find what works best for you. Maybe you love getting massages, or maybe you prefer taking yourself on solo adventures.

5. Be patient with yourself. It can take some time to get into a routine, so be patient with yourself and don't give up if it's not perfect from the start. Remember that any self-care is better than no self-care at all. Even a few moments can help!

Begin your self-care journey today!

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material, is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your specific condition.

ng oils to use in your personal life to help create healthy practices to improve mental health.

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